After working on The Bridge I began to develop a TV show I called East Coast. I decided to adapt the pilot episode into a short story and make it available for free download (or online reading).
Click here.
The Kindle edition will be available soon.
I've been calling East Coast, The Wire in a rural setting because it's also about cops fighting the seemingly unwinnable war on drugs. I'm not sure if I'm going to write more episodes of this series, but I do like the format and the length. This e-book is about the same length as a one-hour TV show.
All feedback is appreciated.
Just downloaded it onto my iPod Touch via Stanza. Looking forward to reading it.
Here some feedback: it was absolutely fucking brilliant.
Love it, John. Easily workable into a novel, a series of short stories, a TV show, whatever you want to do with it. The dialog and pace are up to your usual standards, and the characters are outstanding.
I really enjoyed it. I like the humor in it, and I really love the way you do dialogue.
The very last line didn't quite work for me, I guess it felt abrupt, and was already implied, but since you're really asking about the bigger concept, yes, it's aces.
Thanks for the feedback everybody.
Yeah, Seana, the ending...
In the script version I had music over images, Isobel finishing at the hospital, driving home, seeing Jerry -- all that with no diaogue, just the looks on the actors' faces and the music.
You know, the rock video ending so many shows use these days ;)
I think you're right, it didn't translate to prose very well.
But I do like the format, so thanks again.
Yeah, after I wrote that I realized that it worked fine as a scene direction. So it's not what happens that needs the tweak, just for a story it would be said slightly differently.
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